I’m sitting on my bed here in the house I’ve called home for
the last two months in a situations that’s become all too familiar. Sitting on
my bed, looking out at my things scattered around, wondering just how the heck
I’m going to fit it all in my limited space … and even more importantly, how I’m
going to get on that plane and say goodbye.
In just a year and a
half I’ve visited six different countries and graduated from UD. That’s a lot of
hello and goodbyes. For the more significant visits, when I went to say
goodbye, there was something that was holding me back from going forward. In
Italy, it was a fear of what was coming my way and saying goodbye to the
laid-back lifestyle I had into a time of personal discovery and development. In
El Salvador, I felt the call to mission – to allow Christ to use me as His
vessel to bring peace and love to the world. From UD, there was a fear of
leaving what was familiar and settled for the unknown ahead but an excitement of
all that my future held.
Preparing to leave Trinidad is no different in the fact that I don’t want to leave. That doesn’t mean I don’t love and miss my family, I do! But my heart isn’t ready to leave. Unlike the other goodbyes, I haven’t quite discerned out why it is so hard to leave a place that I’ve spent two months to go to a place where I’ve spent most of my 22 years. I think it will take some time away to figure out what hold this country and this community have on my heart, but there are plenty of reasons that come to mind. I’ll share snippets and hopefully I can catch some of you before I’m off to the next adventure and “home” to share more reflection.
God & Prayer: To say that God showed up seems woefully inadequate and inaccurate. He moves and makes Himself known on a daily basis in my life. To say that God showed off on this trip is a little more accurate, but it wasn’t because He performed miracles or because I had some extreme conversion of heart. It was in the quiet and slow way that He pervaded my days. Just some of the ways that our relationship changed:
Preparing to leave Trinidad is no different in the fact that I don’t want to leave. That doesn’t mean I don’t love and miss my family, I do! But my heart isn’t ready to leave. Unlike the other goodbyes, I haven’t quite discerned out why it is so hard to leave a place that I’ve spent two months to go to a place where I’ve spent most of my 22 years. I think it will take some time away to figure out what hold this country and this community have on my heart, but there are plenty of reasons that come to mind. I’ll share snippets and hopefully I can catch some of you before I’m off to the next adventure and “home” to share more reflection.
God & Prayer: To say that God showed up seems woefully inadequate and inaccurate. He moves and makes Himself known on a daily basis in my life. To say that God showed off on this trip is a little more accurate, but it wasn’t because He performed miracles or because I had some extreme conversion of heart. It was in the quiet and slow way that He pervaded my days. Just some of the ways that our relationship changed:
- Praying the Liturgy of the Hours daily: This helped me delve into some of the scriptures that I might not have read on my own and to really enter into praying as (and for) community
- Anointing my day in prayer: truly the only reason I could wake up in the mornings and go do ministry J
- Quiet: this was a struggle for sure, but even the small amounts of time I was able to be quiet with God showed me how faithful God is and that I really need to stop doing prayer right
- Laying of hands for Life in the Spirit: This was truly a confirmation of all the ways that God was speaking to me in the quiet that I was hesitant or questioning.
Community: Even though I never got to the post about the
type of community I’ve been living with, I’ll share the joys of living in
community. For the past two months, I’ve been living in community with
consecrated lay women and one priest. They make promises to live chaste, simple
and obedient lives while serving in their community. To read more about them,
check out this site: http://www.lwctt.org/index.php/about-us.
I have so much to say about each individual that I have met in this community,
but I will leave it at this.
- They challenge and love. I felt challenged in some way every day of my trip here. It wasn’t always big, maybe a reflection on my prayer life or a conversation about how games affect our understanding of reality, but it was impactful.
- They loved and supported me every step of the way, and that love is reciprocated. I truly feel like this community has become my family and will miss them so much.
- Even more important than the love and challenge that community life presented, the Holy Spirit is moving here in a profound way. I have truly been walking among saints whose powerful love for Jesus is transforming the community and those they come in contact with. I’m constantly in awe of their faith.
- Fun: It wasn’t all depth and seriousness. This community is a hoot. I remember my first dinner with all of household, welcoming those who returned from their pilgrimage in Italy and wondering how I was ever going to finish my dinner. I spent most of the meal laughing.
Ministry: Since this post is already
log enough, I’ll just let you know that ministry progressed well. I’m going to
miss the kids and teens that I worked with here. It was extremely hard say
goodbye to the ministries that I visited and participated in while here. I’ll
be thinking and praying for them (and hopefully being kept updated on what is
going on … hint, hint).
Well, that was fast and a lot, but I just have to say, I’m so thankful for this opportunity. If I had to choose one word to describe my time here, it would be TRANSFORMATION. I will not be going back the same way I came, and I definitely will not forget. I felt truly alive and authentic with this community and I pray that God was able to use me in some way during my time here. Thank you Sr. Angela Ann, Living Water Community and mom and dad for allowing me such an experience. Although I’m only home for a few weeks before I head off to Costa Rica, I hope to see as many of you all as I can.
As for my new Trini family, I love you and God willing, I’ll be back as soon as I can. (In the meantime, I’ll be studying Côté ci Côté la)
Well, that was fast and a lot, but I just have to say, I’m so thankful for this opportunity. If I had to choose one word to describe my time here, it would be TRANSFORMATION. I will not be going back the same way I came, and I definitely will not forget. I felt truly alive and authentic with this community and I pray that God was able to use me in some way during my time here. Thank you Sr. Angela Ann, Living Water Community and mom and dad for allowing me such an experience. Although I’m only home for a few weeks before I head off to Costa Rica, I hope to see as many of you all as I can.
As for my new Trini family, I love you and God willing, I’ll be back as soon as I can. (In the meantime, I’ll be studying Côté ci Côté la)
If you make it to Dayton in your short time back in the U.S., please come visit!